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Phenotypic Profile
Category Entity Quantity Experimental Paradigm Age at Testing
Motor phenotype General locomotor activity: Ambulatory activity5
Description: Decreased total distance travelled

Open field test 25 weeks
Motor phenotype Limb posture1
Description: Abnormal limb postures; hindlimb clasping
Exp Paradigm: Tail suspension test

Tail suspension test > 3 months
Motor phenotype General locomotor activity1
Description: Decreased locomotor activity demonstrated by less squares visited and increased time spent being immobile
Exp Paradigm: Open field test

Open field test Unreported
Motor phenotype Hypoactivity3
Description: Increased hypoactivity measured as early onset of hypoactivity
Exp Paradigm: General observations in separate cage

General observations 0-10 months
Motor phenotype Clasping reflex3
Description: Increased hindlimb clasping as observed at as early as 16 weeks old mice (100% hindlimb clasping by 35 weeks old)
Exp Paradigm: General observations in separate cage

General observations 0-7 weeks
Motor phenotype Tremor3
Description: Increased tremor indicated by earlier onset (20 weeks old in avarage)
Exp Paradigm: General observations in separate cage

General observations 0-10 months
Motor phenotype Grip strength5
Description: Increase in foot slips

Wire hang test 24 weeks
Motor phenotype Motor coordination and balance5
Description: Decreased latency to fall off the rotarod, increased foot slips

Accelerating rotarod test 8-32 weeks
Neuroanatomy / Ultrastructure / Cytoarchitecture Dendritic architecture: spine density5
Description: Decreased spine density

Immunofluorescence staining 24 weeks
Neuroanatomy / Ultrastructure / Cytoarchitecture Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity5
Description: Decreased dendritic complexity

Immunofluorescence staining 24 weeks
Neuroanatomy / Ultrastructure / Cytoarchitecture Neuronal morphology5
Description: Decreased soma and nuclear area

Immunofluorescence staining 24 weeks
Neurophysiology Spontaneous post synaptic event amplitude: excitatory currents5
Description: Presymptomatic training improved the frequencies of sipscs and sepscs of mecp2 negative neurons in rett mice (fig. 4f, h), but not the amplitudes (fig. 4g, i).

Whole-cell patch clamp 13 weeks
Neurophysiology Event related potential (erp) in electroencephalography (eeg)4
Description: Abnormal auditory erp frequency analysis indicated by increased phase locking in gamma range
Exp Paradigm: Spectral decomposition of auditory-evoked response waveforms

Event related potential (erp) 4-5 months
Neurophysiology Spontaneous post synaptic event frequency: inhibitory currents5
Description: Presymptomatic training improved the frequencies of sipscs and sepscs of mecp2 negative neurons in rett mice (fig. 4f, h), but not the amplitudes (fig. 4g, i).

Whole-cell patch clamp 13 weeks
Neurophysiology Neuronal activation following behavioral stimulation5
Description: Decreased fos positive neurons
Exp Paradigm: used cFos-targeted recombination in active populations (Fos-TRAP) to label task-specific neurons activated during water-maze

Immunofluorescence staining 24 weeks
Neurophysiology Event related potential (erp) in electroencephalography (eeg)4
Description: Abnormal auditory erp frequency analysis indicated by increase in induced gamma power around 45 hz, increase in beta-band activity, no change in theta and delta-band component
Exp Paradigm: Spectral decomposition of auditory-evoked response waveforms

Event related potential (erp) 4-5 months
Neurophysiology Spontaneous post synaptic event frequency: excitatory currents5
Description: Presymptomatic training improved the frequencies of sipscs and sepscs of mecp2 negative neurons in rett mice (fig. 4f, h), but not the amplitudes (fig. 4g, i).

Whole-cell patch clamp 13 weeks
Neurophysiology Event related potential (erp) in electroencephalography (eeg)4
Description: Abnormal visual erp indicated by increased n1 component in response to visual stimuli; no change in p2 wave latency
Exp Paradigm: Eeg recordings after delivery of visual stimuli

Electroencephalogram (eeg) 4-5 months
Neurophysiology Spontaneous post synaptic event amplitude: inhibitory currents5
Description: Presymptomatic training improved the frequencies of sipscs and sepscs of mecp2 negative neurons in rett mice (fig. 4f, h), but not the amplitudes (fig. 4g, i).

Whole-cell patch clamp 13 weeks
Neurophysiology Event related potential (erp) in electroencephalography (eeg)4
Description: Abnormal middle and late components indicated by larger n1 component, no change in p2 amplitude but delayed latency
Exp Paradigm: Eeg recordings after delivery of auditory stimuli

Electroencephalogram (eeg) 4-5 months
Sensory Startle response: acoustic stimulus5
Description: Decreased startle amplitude

Acoustic startle reflex test 24 weeks
Physiological parameters Hormone levels4
Description: Abnormal bdnf protein quantification demonstrated by no change in concentration in cortex; decreased levels in striatum
Exp Paradigm: Quantification using elisa at site of translation and target site

Elisa 7.5 weeks
Developmental profile Developmental trajectory1
Description: Abnormal developmental trajectory: irregular breathing
Exp Paradigm: General observations

General observations 9 months
Emotion Anxiety5
Description: More time spent in open arms

Elevated plus maze test 24 weeks
Learning & memory Spatial working memory5
Description: Increased latency for memory acquisition

Morris water maze test 24 weeks
Learning & memory Spatial reference memory5
Description: Decreased time in target quadrant in probe trial

Morris water maze test 24 weeks
Learning & memory Cued or contextual fear conditioning: Memory of context5
Description: Decreased time spent freezing

Fear conditioning test 24 weeks
Molecular profile Gene expression2
Description: Decreased tyrosine hydroxylase (th) mrna expression in pons
Exp Paradigm: Th mrna expression

Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr) 10-12 months
Molecular profile Protein expression level evidence4
Description: Decreased htt protein levels in hypothalamus, and hippocampus
Exp Paradigm: Htt protein levels

Immunohistochemistry 8 weeks
Molecular profile Protein expression level evidence4
Description: Decreased hap1 protein levels in hypothalamus, nucleus tractus solitarius, midbrain ventral area, locus coeruleus, and pons
Exp Paradigm: Hap1 protein levels

Immunohistochemistry 8 weeks
Molecular profile Gene expression3
Description: Increased expression of genes fkbp5 and sgk1 in brain
Exp Paradigm: Fkbp5 and sgk1 gene expression

Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr) 5 weeks
Molecular profile Protein expression level evidence4
Description: Decreased levels of hap1a and hap1b isoforms in midbrain ventral area, reduced hap1a isoform in cortex, no hap1b isoform in cortex
Exp Paradigm: Hap1 protein levels

Western blot 8 weeks
Developmental profile Mortality/lethality3 No change General observations 5.5 months
Developmental profile Size/growth5 No change Body weight measurement Adult
Emotion Anxiety1 No change Open field test Unreported
Learning & memory Cued or contextual fear conditioning: Memory of cue5 No change Fear conditioning test 24 weeks
Molecular profile Gene expression4 No change Western blot Unreported
Molecular profile Gene expression4 No change Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr) Unreported
Molecular profile Protein expression level evidence2 No change Immunohistochemistry Unreported
Motor phenotype Swimming ability5 No change Morris water maze test Adult
Neurophysiology Event related potential (erp) in electroencephalography (eeg)4 No change Electroencephalogram (eeg) 4-5 months
Sensory Startle response: acoustic stimulus5 No change Prepulse inhibition 24 weeks
Social behavior Social approach5 No change Three-chamber social approach test 24 weeks
Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle,  Communications,  Developmental profile,  Emotion,  Immune response,  Learning & memory,  Maternal behavior,  Molecular profile,  Motor phenotype,  Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture,  Neurophysiology,  Physiological parameters,  Repetitive behavior,  Seizure,  Sensory,  Social behavior,  
References: 1: Guy J , et al. 2001 , 2: Roux JC , et al. 2009 , 3: Braun S , et al. 2011 , 4: Liao W , et al. 2012 , 5:  Achilly NP et al. 2021
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