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Phenotypic Profile
Category Entity Quantity Experimental Paradigm Age at Testing
Physiological parameters Respiratory function1
Description: Treatment with ampakine (cx546) decreased the episodes of high breathing frequency leading to a restoration of wild type mean breathing frequency. cx546 treatment did not have any effect in breathing frequency of wt animals
Exp Paradigm: Tidal volume/ weight and minute volume/weight (tidal volume/weight x breathing frequency) were estimated

Whole body plethysmography 5 weeks
Physiological parameters Respiratory function1
Description: Treatment with ampakine did not decrease the higher variability in breathing frequency of mutant animals
Exp Paradigm: NA

Whole body plethysmography 5 weeks
Molecular profile Protein expression level evidence1
Description: Treatment with cx546 resulted in a significant increase in bdnf content in the nodose cranial sensory ganglia neurons of treated mecp2 mice, compared to vehicle treated mecp2 null mice
Exp Paradigm: Protein expression

Immunohistochemistry Unreported
Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle,  Communications,  Developmental profile,  Emotion,  Immune response,  Learning & memory,  Maternal behavior,  Motor phenotype,  Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture,  Neurophysiology,  Physiological parameters,  Repetitive behavior,  Seizure,  Sensory,  Social behavior,  
References: 1:  Ogier M , et al. 2007
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