A de novo LoF variant and two de novo missense variants that were predicted to be damaging were observed in ASD probands (PMID 22495306, 22495309, 25363760). Analysis of rare coding variation in 3,871 ASD cases and 9,937 ancestry-matched or paternal controls from the Autism Sequencing Consortium (ASC) identified TRIO as a gene meeting high statistical significance with a 0.05 < FDR 0.1, meaning that this gene had a 90% chance of being a true autism gene (PMID 25363760). De novo likely damaging missense variants in this gene have also been identified in patients presenting with intellectual disability (PMID 23033978) and epilepsy (PMID 23934111). An additional de novo likely damaging missense variant in TRIO was identified in an ASD proband from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) in Stessman et al., 2017. Sadybekov et al., 2017 identified an enrichment of ASD- and NDD-associated missense and loss-of-function (LoF) variants in the GEF1/DH1 subdomain of TRIO; no missense or LoF variants in this domain were observed in 9,937 control exomes. Additional functional analysis of one frameshift variant and three missense variants residing in the Trio GEF1/DH1 subdomain in this report demonstrated effects on Rac1 activation and synaptic function; one of the missense variants that exhibited reduced Rac1 activation and impaired synaptic function, suggestive of a loss-of-function effect, had previously been observed de novo in an ASD proband from the Simons Simplex Collection in Sanders et al., 2012. Barbosa et al., 2020 reported 24 individuals with confirmed pathogenic missense or nonsense variants in the TRIO gene and noted that stereotypy (27%) and autistic behavior (31%) were among the recurrent behavioral phentotypes observed in this cohort; furthermore, the authors found that while all individuals in this cohort presented with developmental delay, individuals with a pathogenic variant in the seventh spectrin repeat (which was shown by functional analysis to cause TRIO-mediated hyper-activation of RAC1) presented with a more severe intellectual disability associated with macrocephaly, whereas individuals with variants in the RAC1-activating GEFD1 domain (which were shown to cause TRIO-mediated hypo-activation of RAC1) presented with milder ID and microcephaly.
Molecular Function
Promotes the exchange of GDP by GTP. Together with leukocyte antigen-related (LAR) protein, it could play a role in coordinating cell-matrix and cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for cell migration and cell growth.
External Links
Type of Disorder
Associated Disorders
Author, Year
Synaptic, transcriptional and chromatin genes disrupted in autism.
More evidence on TRIO missense mutations in the spectrin repeat domain causing severe developmental delay and recognizable facial dysmorphism with macrocephaly
Next-generation phenotyping integrated in a national framework for patients with ultrarare disorders improves genetic diagnostics and yields new molecular findings
Both GEF domains of the autism and developmental epileptic encephalopathy-associated Trio protein are required for proper tangential migration of GABAergic interneurons
Mice with selective Trio heterozygous deletion in the dorsal telencephalon through Nex-Cre recombination show decrease in social approach, motor coordination, brain weight and neuron size, apical and basal dendritic length, dendritic branching, and LTP, abnormal synaptic anatomy, function and plasticity, and increased dendritic spine density and increased anxiety in males. Mice with selective Trio homozygous deletion in the dorsal telencephalon through Nex-Cre recombination show increase in syna
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Neurod6-Trio heterozygous mice with selective deletion of Trio in excitatory neurons were generated by crossing mice bearing a conditional Trio allele in which exons 2225 are deleted using NEX(Neurod6)-Cre mice creating a premature stop codon at the start of the Trio GEF1 domain.Thy1-GFP reporter mice were used to label neurons.
Allele Type: Conditional (knockout)
Strain of Origin: Genetic Background: C57BL/6*129/SvJ
ES Cell Line: Mutant ES Cell Line: Model Source: PMIDs 25727174 (Zong W, et al., Brain Res., 2015), 17146780, (Goebbels S., et al., Genesis, 2006), 20510892 (Porrero C, et al., Brain Res., 2010)
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Neurod6-Trio heterozygous mice with selective deletion of Trio in excitatory neurons were generated by crossing mice bearing a conditional Trio allele in which exons 2225 are deleted using NEX(Neurod6)-Cre mice creating a premature stop codon at the start of the Trio GEF1 domain.Thy1-GFP reporter mice were used to label neurons.
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: Genetic Background: C57BL/6*129/SvJ
ES Cell Line: Mutant ES Cell Line: Model Source: PMIDs 25727174 (Zong W, et al., Brain Res., 2015), 17146780, (Goebbels S., et al., Genesis, 2006), 20510892 (Porrero C, et al., Brain Res., 2010)
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Trio conditional knockout mice were generated by crossing the mice with Trio-flox alleles (MGI:4839231) with mice expressing the Cre recombinase transgene under the control of the Emx1 promoter (MGI:2684610).
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: 129S6/SvEvTac; 129S2/SvPas
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: W4; D3
Mutant ES Cell Line: Model Source: Model Animal Research Center (Nanjing, China; Trio-flox, PMID 20516067), Chunjie Zhao (Emx-Cre, PMID 24453338)
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Trio conditional knockout mice were generated by crossing the mice with Trio-flox alleles (MGI:4839231) with mice expressing the Cre recombinase transgene under the control of the Nex (Neurod6) promoter (MGI:2668659).
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: 129S6/SvEvTac; (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl+
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: W4; R1
Mutant ES Cell Line: Model Source: Model Animal Research Center (Nanjing, China; Trio-flox, PMID 20516067), Zilong Qiu (Neurod6-Cre, PMID 16899735)
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity1
Description: Mutants show decrease in dendritic arborization and branch points compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Dendritic arborization was measured in layer 5 pyramidal neurons (l5 pns) in motor cortex (regions m1 and m2).
Description: Mutants show no significant increase in synaptic density (p=0.085) compared with controls, on l5 pyramidal neurons in the motor cortex.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex
Description: Mutants show decrease in apical and basal dendritic lengths compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Dendritic length was measured in layer 5 pyramidal neurons (l5 pns) in motor cortex (regions m1 and m2).
Description: Mutants show decrease in total brain weight compared with controls. mutants show decrease in the combined weight of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Brain; cerebral cortex; hippocampus
Description: Mutants show increased dendritic spine density on basal dendrites of l5 pns in motor cortex compared with controls. mutants show no change in spine density in the hippocampus compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex; hippocampus
Synaptic neuroreceptor ratio (nmdar/ampar) dependent transmission1
Description: Mutants show increase in nmdar/ampar mediated evoked epsc ratio compared with controls in the motor cortex but not in the hippocampus.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Description: Mutants show an increase in paired-pulse ratio compared with controls, in the motor cortex but not in the hippocampus indicating a deficit in presynaptic release probability in the motor cortex.
Exp Paradigm: L5 pns in motor cortex; hippocampus
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: excitatory1
Description: Mutants show a decrease in ampa and nmda mepsc frequencies compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Description: Mutants show a lack of induction and maintenance of theta burst stimulated-ltp compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: L5 pns in motor cortex; hippocampus
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: excitatory1
Description: Mutants show a decrease in ampar mepsc amplitudes but no significant decrease in nmdar mepsc amplitudes compared with controls in the motor cortex and hippocampus.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Description: Mutants show increased levels of 9 kinase-substrate pairs compared with controls, including pka and its substrates in the motor cortex.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex
Description: Mutants show decreased expression of trio protein in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Cerebral cortex and hippocampus
Description: Mutants show 193 upregulated and 101 downregulated proteins in the motor cortex compared with controls, including chc, pde4a, and pak4.
Exp Paradigm: NA
Description: Mutants show decrease in total brain weight compared with controls. mutants show decrease in the combined weight of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Brain; cerebral cortex; hippocampus
Description: Mutants show increased dendritic spine density on basal dendrites of l5 pns in motor cortex and apical and basal dendrites of hippocampal ca1 neurons compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex; hippocampus
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity1
Description: Mutants show decrease in the dendritic arborization compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Dendritic arborization was measured in layer 5 pyramidal neurons (l5 pns) in motor cortex (regions m1 and m2).
Description: Mutants show decrease in apical and basal dendritic lengths compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Dendritic length was measured in layer 5 pyramidal neurons (l5 pns) in motor cortex (regions m1 and m2).
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: excitatory1
Description: Mutants show a decrease in ampa and nmda current amplitudes compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Synaptic neuroreceptor ratio (nmdar/ampar) dependent transmission1
Description: Mutants show decrease in nmdar/ampar mediated evoked epsc ratio compared with controls in the motor cortex but not in the hippocampus.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Decay kinetics of miniature post synaptic currents1
Description: Mutants show an increase in nmdar-mepsc decay time but no change in ampar-mepsc decay time compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Description: Mutants show an increase in paired-pulse ratio compared with controls in the motor cortex and hippocampus indicating a deficit in presynaptic release probability.
Exp Paradigm: L5 pyramidal neurons in motor cortex
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: excitatory1
Description: Mutants show a decrease in ampa and nmda mepsc frequencies compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Evoked and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (eepscs) in motor cortex l5 pns
Description: Male mutants show decrease in prepulse inhibition compared with controls, at 6 db prepulse intensity with 30 ms inter-stimulus interval.
Exp Paradigm: 30 ms or 100 ms interstimulus intervals for prepulse intensities (6, 12, and 16 db)
Description: Female mutants show increase in time spent in the center and increase in percent movement in the center compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: NA
Description: Mutants show decrease in protein levels including pde4d, chc, pde4a, pak4 and pde4a5. mutants show decrease in ped4a5 in a dosage dependent manner.
Exp Paradigm: Brain
Description: Mutants show decreased expression of trio protein in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus compared with controls.
Exp Paradigm: Hippocampus
Description: Mutants show 193 upregulated and 101 downregulated proteins in the motor cortex compared with controls, including pde4d, chc, pde4a, and pak4.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex
Description: Mutants show increased levels of 9 kinase-substrate pairs compared with controls, including pka and its substrates in the motor cortex.
Exp Paradigm: Motor cortex
Description: The distribution patterns of progenitors and granule cells are disturbed in Trio deficient dentate gyrus. Progenitors settled in the subgranule zone declined while many of them stayed in the molecular layer at P7.
Exp Paradigm: Tbr2, Prox1, Ki67
Description: BLBP and Vimentin staining showed normal density and extended long processes across the fimbria and radially to the hippocampal fissure at E16.5 and P0, while the secondary glia scaffold labeled with GFAP was missing above the twisted part of the GC band, and the orientation of the radial glia scaffold was also disrupted in conditional knockout mice at P7 and P14.
Description: Brain sections from conditional knockout mice show a smaller hippocampus and dentate gyrus, especially severely twisted suprapyramidal/infrapyramidal blades of dentate gyrus and zigzagged arrangement of granule cells at P2, P7, and P21.
Exp Paradigm: NeuN, Ctip2
Description: The total number of Pax6+ dentate progenitors and Tbr2+ intermediate progenitors were significantly reduced at P2 and P7 but not P0 . The number of proliferating cells was found significantly reduced at P2, P4, P7, and P14.
Exp Paradigm: Pax6, Tbr2, Ki67
Description: The proportion of proliferative intermediate progenitor cells increased in SPZ while decreased in granule layer in the superior dentate gyrus of conditional knockout mice indicated that more intermediate progenitor cells would keep multiplying in SPZ rather than migrated to form subgranule zone.
Exp Paradigm: Tbr2 double label
Description: Converged migration streams of Tbr2+ and Prox1+ cells were detected in conditional knockout mice at P2, suggesting a deficiency in neuron distribution and migration.
Exp Paradigm: Tbr2, Prox1