Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Targeting vector designed to replace exon 1 and an additional 1.7 kb of upstream sequences of Nrp2 with a neomycin expression cassette.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock Out)
Strain of Origin: 129SVJ
Genetic Background: C57BL/6-J
ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Targeting vector designed to replace exon 1 and an additional 1.7 kb of upstream sequences of Nrp2 with a neomycin expression cassette.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock Out)
Strain of Origin: 129SVJ
Genetic Background: C57BL/6-J
ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Homologous recombination using Cre-loxP of 1kb of first intron.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock Out)
Strain of Origin: Not Specified
Genetic Background: C57BL/6J X B129
ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Homologous recombination using Cre-loxP of 1kb of first intron.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock Out)
Strain of Origin: Not Specified
Genetic Background: C57BL/6J X B129
ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Description: Abnormal hippocampal wiring morphology - increased lateral growth of fiber bundles in the ca3 field, entering the stratum pyramidale of ca3; less tightly bundled fornix
Exp Paradigm: Immunohistochemical analysis using antineurofilament (2h3) antibodies on brain sections
Description: Abnormal spinal nerve branch point morphology - less compact and defasciculated at the segregation of the dorsal ramus and ramus communicantes
Exp Paradigm: Immunohistochemical analysis using anti neurofilament (2h3) and anti-tag1 (4d7) in transverse spinal cord sections
Description: Abnormal axonal pathfinding resulting in disorganized or absent trajectories of several cranial nerves - defasciculated oculomotor, and ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular branches of trigeminal nerve, absent trochlear nerve,
Exp Paradigm: Immunohistochemical analysis using antineurofilament (2h3) antibodies on whole-mount preparations
Description: Abnormal thalamus tract morphology - reduced size and organization of the fasciculus retroflexus
Exp Paradigm: Immunohistochemical analysis using antibodies against map-2 of horizontal sections through brains
Description: Abnormal morphology of commissural axons in spinal cord - less pronounced bundling of the ipsilateral projections
Exp Paradigm: Immunohistochemical analysis using anti-tag1 (4d7) in transverse spinal cord sections
Description: Decreased endogenous binding sites of sema3f within hippocampus, afferent and efferent hippocampal projections - the fimbria and fornix, accessory olfactory bulb, and medial habenula
Exp Paradigm: Sema3f endogenous binding site
Description: Decreased number of nissl-stained large nuclei outside principal cell layers in hippocampal subregions
Exp Paradigm: Cell counting method using cresyl violet and nissl stained sections of hippocampus
Description: Decreased number of parvalbumin positive neurons within ca1 and ca3, specifically stratum lucidum and stratum oriens subregions of hippocampus
Exp Paradigm: Pv
Description: Increased lethality due to seizures after administration of chemoconvulsant kainic acid-se
Exp Paradigm: General observations after administration of 15mg/kg injection of kainic acid
Description: Decreased expression of parvalbumin, gad-65, gabaa receptor a1 proteins in hippocampal synaptosome preparation
Exp Paradigm: Protein profile of synapse
Description: Increased expression of gad-67, gat-1, and gabaa receptor b 2/3 protein in hippocampal synaptosome preparation
Exp Paradigm: Protein profile of synapse
Description: Increased number of n-type and d-type spines and total spine density of ca1 pyramidal cells
Exp Paradigm: Golgi-staining analysis of coronal tissue blocks
Description: Decreased dendritic branching and total dendritic length of ca1 pyramidal cells
Exp Paradigm: Golgi-staining analysis of coronal tissue blocks
Description: Decreased faciliation of secondary population spikes elicited during the 7 hz stimulation train in field ca1 of hippocampus
Exp Paradigm: Extracellular patch clamp recordings after synaptic stimulation train of hippocampal field ca1 slices
Description: Decreased latency to seize in response to administration of chemoconvulsant penetylenetetrazol (ptz)
Exp Paradigm: General observations after administration of 50 mg/kg injection of ptz
Description: Decreased latency to seize in response to administration of chemoconvulsant ka-se
Exp Paradigm: General observations after administration of 15mg/kg injection of kainic acid