Nlgn2(-/-) mice displayed reduced exploratory activity, impaired rotarod performance, and delays on several developmental milestones, whereas Nlgn2(-/-) pups isolated from mother and littermates emitted fewer ultrasonic vocalizations and spent less time calling than Nlgn2(+/+) littermate controls (Wohr et al., 2013).
Molecular Function
Transmembrane scaffolding protein involved in cell-cell interactions via its interactions with neurexin family members. Plays a role in synapse function and synaptic signal transmission, especially via gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA(A) receptors), by recruiting and clustering synaptic proteins. Modulates signaling by inhibitory synapses, and thereby plays a role in controlling the ratio of signaling by excitatory and inhibitory synapses and information processing.
External Links
Type of Disorder
Associated Disorders
Author, Year
Developmental delays and reduced pup ultrasonic vocalizations but normal sociability in mice lacking the postsynaptic cell adhesion protein neuroli...
Nlg2-deficient mutant flies show decreased anxiety and altered sleep/activity patterns. Moreover, Nlg2 mutants show a reduced probability to form groups and Nlg2 mutant males show increased aggression towards other males in reponse to courtship song stimulus, but not other auditory stimuli.
Author, Year
Neuroligins Nlg2 and Nlg4 Affect Social Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Nlg2^KO17 line was generated by targeted knockout of the Nlg2 genomic locus. Virgin female donor flies bearing the targeting construct on the third chromosome were crossed to yw; P[70 FLP]P[70I- SceI]/TM6 (Bloomington Stock Center #6935) flies and the 3-d-old progeny were heat shocked at 38C to induce homologous recombination between the donor DNA fragment and the dnl2 locus. .
Allele Type: Partial knockout
Strain of Origin: Unreported
Genetic Background: Canton S
ES Cell Line: Mutant ES Cell Line: Model Source: Wei Xie, Southeast University, Nanjing, China (PMID 21228178)
Description: Nlg2 mutant flies showed a reduced probability to form a group compared to controls. Specifically, Nlg2 mutants showed an increased probability of remaining single (60%), a decrease in preferred group size, but no change in distance to next neighbor compared to controls.
Description: Nlg2 mutant fly males showed an increased aggression to other males in response to stimulation with courtship song stimulus compared to controls. Nlg2 mutant fly males showed no change in aggressive behavior towards other males in response to either white noise or aggression sound stimulus compared to controls.
Exp Paradigm: Courtship song stimulus (test stimulus); White noise or aggression sound stimulus (control stimuli)