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Relevance to Autism

Two de novo variants (one nonsense, one missense) in the EPHB2 gene were identified in separate next-generation sequencing reports using ASD probands (Sanders et al., 2012; Kong et al., 2012).

Molecular Function

This gene encodes a member of the Eph receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinase transmembrane glycoproteins. These receptors are composed of an N-terminal glycosylated ligand-binding domain, a transmembrane region and an intracellular kinase domain. They bind ligands called ephrins and are involved in diverse cellular processes including motility, division, and differentiation. A distinguishing characteristic of Eph-ephrin signaling is that both receptors and ligands are competent to transduce a signaling cascade, resulting in bidirectional signaling. This protein belongs to a subgroup of the Eph receptors called EphB. Proteins of this subgroup are distinguished from other members of the family by sequence homology and preferential binding affinity for membrane-bound ephrin-B ligands.

External Links



Type of Disorder
Associated Disorders
Author, Year
De novo mutations revealed by whole-exome sequencing are strongly associated with autism.
Rate of de novo mutations and the importance of father's age to disease risk.
Integrating de novo and inherited variants in 42
Mutational Landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorder Brain Tissue
Exploring the biological role of postzygotic and germinal de novo mutations in ASD
Large-scale targeted sequencing identifies risk genes for neurodevelopmental disorders
Inherited and multiple de novo mutations in autism/developmental delay risk genes suggest a multifactorial model.
De novo genic mutations among a Chinese autism spectrum disorder cohort.
Recent Recommendation


Variant ID
Variant Type
Allele Change
Residue Change
Inheritance Pattern
Inheritance Association
Family Type
Author, Year
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Not maternal 
 Not maternal 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 


No Common Variants Available
CNV Locus
CNV Type
# of studies
Animal Model

Model Summary

An EphB2 humanized mutation identified from an ASD proband shows ASD-like social behaviors, such as decreased social approach and interaction. An EphB2 knockout mutant also shows social behavior deficits. Social stimulus-dependent neuronal activation is ablated in the mutant mice. Mutant mice also show deficits in synaptic transmission in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex neurons. Social stimulus-dependent neuronal activation can be restored through synchronous optogenetic activation of the prefrontal cortex, of both the subject (mutant) and partner mice.


Author, Year


Model Type: Genetic
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: The Ephb2 knockout mutation (MGI:2149765) was generated through homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells by deleting a 1.4-kb segment of the Ephb2 locus and inserting a neomycin resistance cassette. This deletion, which encompasses the exon for amino acids 29-50, generates a protein null allele, by introducing a frameshift downstream from the deletion.
Allele Type: Knockout
Strain of Origin: (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl+
Genetic Background: 129
ES Cell Line: R1
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source: Tony Pawson lab (PMID 8689685)


Model Type: Genetic
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: The humanized knockin nonsense mutation c.2572 C > T (Q858X) introduces a premature termination codon in exon 14 of the EphB2 protein. This mutation is identified in a large-scale study of de novo mutations in ASD probands, Sanders et al. 2012 (PMID 22495306). Mutation was introduced using a two-step process using a targeting vector with the mutation and a neomycin resistance cassette flanked by LoxP sites. The neo cassette was later removed by crossing with mice carrying the ubiquitous ALLA-cre driver.
Allele Type: ASD mutation
Strain of Origin: Not specified
Genetic Background: 129
ES Cell Line: Not specified
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source: Nan-Jie Xu lab (PMID 36802416)


Model Type: Genetic
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: The humanized knockin missense mutation G > A (G900S) introduces an amino acid change in exon 14 of the EphB2 protein. This mutation is identified in a large-scale study of de novo mutations in ASD and schizophrenia probands, Kong et al. 2012 (PMID 22914163). Mutation was introduced using a two-step process using a targeting vector with the mutation and a neomycin resistance cassette flanked by LoxP sites. The neo cassette was later removed by crossing with mice carrying the ubiquitous ALLA-cre driver.
Allele Type: NDD mutation
Strain of Origin: Not specified
Genetic Background: 129
ES Cell Line: Not specified
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source: Nan-Jie Xu lab (PMID 36802416)


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Social approach1
Description: Knockout mice exhibit a reduced sociability index compared to wildtype mice, indicating that they have a reduced preference ratio for a conspecific partner over an empty cage. Social approach was also measured by time spent near the partner or empty cage, and knockout mice exhibit reduced time in the vicinity of of the partner and increased time in the vicinity of the empty cage compared to control mice. Knockout mice also show reduce time for each individual approach or epoch.
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
Social interaction1
Description: Knockout mice exhibit reduced social interaction measured by time sniffing of conspecific partner versus time sniffing an empty cage. Knockout mice show reduced time sniffing partner and no change in sniffing empty cage, compared to wildtype mice.
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
Targeted expression1
Description: Expression of EphB2 protein in ablated in brain tissue from knockout mice. Decrease is observed in both the immunoprecipitate fraction and total brain lysate.
 2-3 months
Targeted expression1
Description: Expression of Ephb2 mRNA is ablated in knockout mice at 3 and 8 weeks of age.
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
 3, 8 weeks
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: NMDA receptors1
Description: GluN1, GluN2A and GluN2B protein levels are reduced in the synaptosomal fraction of cortical tissue from knockin mice compared to wildtype.
Exp Paradigm: GluN1, GluN2A, GluN2B
 2-3 months
Neuroreceptor levels: glutamate receptors: AMPA receptors1
Description: GluA1 and GluA2 protein levels are reduced in the synaptosomal fraction of cortical tissue from knockin mice compared to wildtype.
Exp Paradigm: GluA1, GluA2
 2-3 months
Action potential property: after hyperpolarization1
Description: Knockin mice show a slower post hyperpolarization potential in response to a depolarizing pulse in prefrontal cortex neurons.
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 2-3 months
Neuronal activation: non-familiar social interaction1
Description: Neuronal activation in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in response to a social stimulus was reduced in the knockin mice compared to wildtype mice. Neuronal activation was measured by calcium signaling in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during social interaction. Calcium signaling was measured after injecting AAV-Syn-GCaMP6s into the dmPFC.
Exp Paradigm: AAV-Syn-GCaMP6s injection; partition test
 Fiber photometry
 2-3 months
Neuronal activation: non-familiar social interaction1
Description: Neuronal activation in knockin mice was reduced after exposure to a novel social partner. Neuronal activation was measured by using a construct that activates Cre recombinase in response to neuronal activation (Fos-driven) and a construct that expresses tdTomato in a Cre-dependent manner. Neuronal activation in the wildtype was higher than the knockin in the prelimbic, infralimbic and anterior cingulate cortices and in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.
Exp Paradigm: Fos^2A-iCreER/+ mice crossed with tdTomato reporter mouse line (Ai9): tdTomato and DAPI were visualized; reciprocal social interaction
 Fluorescence microscopy
 2-3 months
Action potential property: firing rate1
Description: Knockin mice show a reduced number of action potential spikes in response to a series of current injections in prefrontal cortex neurons.
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 2-3 months
Social approach1
Description: Knockin mice exhibit a reduced sociability index compared to wildtype mice, indicating that they have a reduced preference ratio for a conspecific partner over an empty cage. Social approach was also measured by time spent near the partner or empty cage, and knockin mice exhibit reduced time in the vicinity of of the partner and increased time in the vicinity of the empty cage compared to control mice. Knockin mice also show reduce time for each individual approach or epoch.
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
Social interaction1
Description: Knockin mice show decreased social interaction in the partition test measured by time sniffing partner, compared to wildtype mice.
 Partition test
 2-3 months
Social interaction1
Description: Knockin mice exhibit reduced social interaction measured by time sniffing of conspecific partner versus time sniffing an empty cage. Knockin mice show reduced time sniffing partner and no change in sniffing empty cage, compared to wildtype mice.
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
Social approach1
Description: Knockin mice show decreased social approach in the partition test measured by time in interaction area, distance between subject and partner and duration of each individual approach. Knockin mice show reduction in all parameters.
 Partition test
 2-3 months
Targeted expression1
Description: Expression of EphB2 protein in almost completely ablated in brain tissue from knockin mice. Decrease is observed in both the immunoprecipitate fraction and total brain lysate.
 2-3 months
Targeted expression1
Description: Expression of Ephb2 mRNA is significantly reduced in knockin mice at 3 and 8 weeks of age. A more substantial decrease in Ephb2 mRNA is observed in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in adult mice.
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
 3, 8 weeks, 2-3 months
Protein expression level evidence1
Description: PSD95 protein levels are reduced in the synaptosomal fraction of cortical tissue from knockin mice compared to wildtype.
Exp Paradigm: PSD95
 2-3 months
Gene expression1
 No change
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
 2-3 months
Neuronal activation: non-familiar social interaction1
 No change
 Fiber photometry
 2-3 months
Synaptic neuroreceptor ratio (NMDAR/AMPAR) dependent transmission1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 2-3 months
 No change
 Buried food test
 2-3 months
 No change
 Light-induced locomotor test
 2-3 months
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Targeted expression1
 No change
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
 3, 8 weeks
Targeted expression1
 No change
 2-3 months
Social approach1
 No change
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
Social interaction1
 No change
 Three-chamber social approach test
 3, 8 weeks
 Not Reported:

Interactor Symbol Interactor Name Interactor Organism Entrez ID Uniprot ID Interaction Type Evidence Reference
EFNB2 ephrin-B2 1948 P52799 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
RELN reelin 5649 P78509 IP/WB
Sentrk A , et al. 2011
SPSB2 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 2 84727 Q99619 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Gria2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA2 (alpha 2) 14800 P23819 Proximity ligation assay
Miyamoto T , et al. 2015
Dock9 dedicator of cytokinesis 9 259237 Q63603 IP/WB
Hussain NK , et al. 2015
Gria1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 1 50592 P19490 IP/WB
Hussain NK , et al. 2015

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