Studies have found rare variants in the CADPS2 gene to be associated with autism, although one study found no genetic association in a family-based TDT test (Cisternas et al., 2003).
Molecular Function
The encoded protein has calcium-binding activity and mediates vesicle exocytosis.
External Links
Type of Disorder
Associated Disorders
Author, Year
Cloning and characterization of human CADPS and CADPS2, new members of the Ca2+dependent activator for secretion protein family.
CAPS2-mediated neurotrophin release is indispensable for normal cerebellar development and functions, including neuronal differentiation and survival, morphogenesis, synaptic function, and motor learning/control.
Author, Year
Impaired cerebellar development and function in mice lacking CAPS2, a protein involved in neurotrophin release.
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
A pgk-neo cassette flanked by loxP sites replaced the exon 1 of Cadps2.
Allele Type: Targeted (knock-out)
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: MS12
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
A pgk-neo cassette flanked by loxP sites replaced the exon 1 of Cadps2.
Allele Type: Targeted (knock-out)
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: MS12
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
A 500 bp genomic fragment containing exon 5 was replaced by a loxP-flanked Neo cassette.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock out)
Strain of Origin: Not Specified
Genetic Background: Not Specified
ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Cre/loxP mediated deletion of exon 3 of Cadps2 gene.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock out)
Strain of Origin: Not specified
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: Not specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Model Type:
Model Genotype:
Cre/loxP mediated deletion of exon 3 of Cadps2 gene.
Allele Type: Targeted (Knock out)
Strain of Origin: Not specified
Genetic Background: C57BL/6
ES Cell Line: Not specified
Mutant ES Cell Line: Not Specified
Model Source: Not Specified
Description: Cadps2 null mice have reduced social interaction
Exp Paradigm: Direct contacts between genotypically identical pairs test, males tested only
Description: Cadps2 null mice have reduced spatial memory assessed in the probe test of the morris water maze task
Exp Paradigm: Morris water maze with hidden platform; males tested
Description: Cadps2 null mice have significantly reduced spatial learning during the training days of the hidden platform test
Exp Paradigm: Morris water maze with hidden platform; males tested
Description: Decreased number of ultrasonic vocalizations with decrease apparent in early postnatal stage
Exp Paradigm: Ultrasonic vocalization measurement during dam-pup interaction
Description: Decreased levels of cadps2-immunopositive bands in protein extracts from cerebellum, hippocampus, neocortex
Exp Paradigm: Cadps2 protein expression
Description: Mutant mice have shorter sleep pattern period under constant dark conditions
Exp Paradigm: Circadian rhythm recording under constant dark conditions
Description: Decreased social interaction indicated by no difference in time spent with stranger mouse and empty cage
Exp Paradigm: Three-chamber social interaction test
Description: Decreased exploratory activity indicated by reduced activity without changing speed of movement and less frequent contact with novel object
Exp Paradigm: Open field test containing a novel object
Description: Decreased social novelty indicated by no difference in contact between stranger and familiar mouse
Exp Paradigm: Three-chamber social interaction test
Description: Decreased social interaction indicated by reduction in time spent approaching or interacting with stranger mouse cage
Exp Paradigm: Open field test containing a stranger mouse
Description: Decreased social interaction indicated by reduction in time spent approaching or interacting with stranger mouse cage
Exp Paradigm: Open field test containing a stranger mouse