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Relevance to Autism

Rare variants and deletions have been identified in AUTS2 in individuals with ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) in multiple studies. While initial studies were performed without rigorous comparison with controls, Beunders et al., 2013 demonstrated a statistical enrichment of exonic AUTS2 deletions in NDD cases compared to controls (24/49,684 cases vs. 0/16,784 controls; P=0.00092). In addition to ASD, there is genetic evidence implicating it in developmental delay/intellectual disability, epilepsy and ADHD. Knockdown of AUTS2 in zebrafish resulted in smaller head size, neuronal reduction, and decreased mobility (Oksenberg et al., 2013), while knockdown in mice led to impaired cortical neuronal migration and neuritogenesis (Hori et al., 2014). A two-stage analysis of rare de novo and inherited coding variants in 42,607 ASD cases, including 35,130 new cases from the SPARK cohort, in Zhou et al., 2022 identified AUTS2 as a gene reaching exome-wide significance (P < 2.5E-06); association of AUTS2 with ASD risk in this analysis was found to be driven both by de novo variants (in particular, de novo loss-of-function variants in six ASD probands from the SPARK cohort) and rare inherited loss-of-function variants transmitted from unaffected parents to affected offspring.

Molecular Function

Component of a Polycomb group (PcG) multiprotein PRC1-like complex, a complex class required to maintain the transcriptionally repressive state of many genes, including Hox genes, throughout development.In the cytoplasm, plays a role in axon and dendrite elongation and in neuronal migration during embryonic brain development. Promotes reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, lamellipodia formation and neurite elongation via its interaction with RAC guanine nucleotide exchange factors, which then leads to the activation of RAC1.

External Links



Type of Disorder
Associated Disorders
Author, Year
Identification of a novel gene on chromosome 7q11.2 interrupted by a translocation breakpoint in a pair of autistic twins.
Positive Association
Positive Association
Meta-analysis of GWAS of over 16,000 individuals with autism spectrum disorder highlights a novel locus at 10q24.32 and a significant overlap with ...
De novo exon 1 deletion of AUTS2 gene in a patient with autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay: a case report and a brief literature review.
Genetic Testing in Patients with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Experience of 511 Patients at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Lessons Learned from Large-Scale, First-Tier Clinical Exome Sequencing in a Highly Consanguineous Population.
Global increases in both common and rare copy number load associated with autism.
auts2 Features and Expression Are Highly Conserved during Evolution Despite Different Evolutionary Fates Following Whole Genome Duplication
AUTS2 Regulation of Synapses for Proper Synaptic Inputs and Social Communication
Large-scale discovery of novel genetic causes of developmental disorders.
Autosomal dominant intellectual developmental diso
A single center experience with publicly funded clinical exome sequencing for neurodevelopmental disorders or multiple congenital anomalies
Whole genome paired-end sequencing elucidates functional and phenotypic consequences of balanced chromosomal rearrangement in patients with develop...
A discovery resource of rare copy number variations in individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Cerebral organoids containing an AUTS2 missense variant model microcephaly
ID, epilepsy/seizures
Next-Generation Sequencing in Korean Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbid Epilepsy
De novo mutations in schizophrenia implicate chromatin remodeling and support a genetic overlap with autism and intellectual disability.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Autism Spectrum Disorders as the Core Symptoms of AUTS2 Syndrome: Description of Five New Patients and Update of the Frequency of Manifestations and Genotype-Phenot
ASD or autistic features, ADHD, DD, ID
Genomic diagnosis for children with intellectual disability and/or developmental delay.
Speech delay, developmental regression
Sequencing chromosomal abnormalities reveals neurodevelopmental loci that confer risk across diagnostic boundaries.
Genetic investigation of syndromic forms of obesity
Rare genetic susceptibility variants assessment in autism spectrum disorder: detection rate and practical use.
Massively parallel sequencing of patients with intellectual disability, congenital anomalies and/or autism spectrum disorders with a targeted gene ...
High Behavioral Variability Mediated by Altered Neuronal Excitability in auts2 Mutant Zebrafish
Next-generation DNA sequencing identifies novel gene variants and pathways involved in specific language impairment.
Specific language impairment
Identification of a functional rare variant in autism using genome-wide screen for monoallelic expression.
Auts2 deletion involves in DG hypoplasia and social recognition deficit: The developmental and neural circuit mechanisms
A case of autism spectrum disorder with cleft lip and palate carrying a mutation in exon 8 of AUTS2.
Identification of risk genes for autism spectrum disorder through copy number variation analysis in Austrian families.
Erotomania and phenotypic continuum in a family frameshift variant of AUTS2: a case report and review
The genomic landscape of balanced cytogenetic abnormalities associated with human congenital anomalies.
A de novo balanced translocation breakpoint truncating the autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) gene in a patient with autism.
Mutational Landscape of Autism Spectrum Disorder Brain Tissue
Exome sequencing of 457 autism families recruited online provides evidence for autism risk genes
De novo single exon deletion of AUTS2 in a patient with speech and language disorder: a review of disrupted AUTS2 and further evidence for its role...
De novo variants in neurodevelopmental disorders-experiences from a tertiary care center
A detailed clinical analysis of 13 patients with AUTS2 syndrome further delineates the phenotypic spectrum and underscores the behavioural phenotype.
ADHD, DD, epilepsy/seizures
Autism and ultraconserved non-coding sequence on chromosome 7q.
Analysis of recent shared ancestry in a familial cohort identifies coding and noncoding autism spectrum disorder variants
Comprehensive Analysis of Rare Variants of 101 Autism-Linked Genes in a Hungarian Cohort of Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients.
ID, epilepsy/seizures
De novo intragenic deletion of the autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) gene in a patient with developmental delay: a case report and literatu...
AUTS2 Controls Neuronal Lineage Choice Through a Novel PRC1-Independent Complex and BMP Inhibition
Whole Exome Sequencing Reveals a Novel AUTS2 In-Frame Deletion in a Boy with Global Developmental Delay, Absent Speech, Dysmorphic Features, and Cerebral Anomalies
Highly Cited
Mutations in autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) in patients with mental retardation.
Recent Recommendation
Genome-wide copy number variation in epilepsy: novel susceptibility loci in idiopathic generalized and focal epilepsies.
Recent Recommendation
Genome-wide distribution of Auts2 binding localizes with active neurodevelopmental genes.
Recent Recommendation
Autism susceptibility candidate 2 (Auts2) encodes a nuclear protein expressed in developing brain regions implicated in autism neuropathology.
Recent Recommendation
Function and regulation of AUTS2, a gene implicated in autism and human evolution.
Recent Recommendation
Genetic utility of broadly defined bipolar schizoaffective disorder as a diagnostic concept.
Recent Recommendation
Exonic deletions in AUTS2 cause a syndromic form of intellectual disability and suggest a critical role for the C terminus.
Recent Recommendation
Integrating de novo and inherited variants in 42
Recent Recommendation
Rare structural variants found in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are preferentially associated with neurodevelopmental genes.
Recent Recommendation
Detection of copy-number variation in AUTS2 gene by targeted exonic array CGH in patients with developmental delay and autistic spectrum disorders.
Recent Recommendation
AUTS2 isoforms control neuronal differentiation.
Recent Recommendation
Genome-wide association and genetic functional studies identify autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene (AUTS2) in the regulation of alcohol consump...
Recent Recommendation
An AUTS2-Polycomb complex activates gene expression in the CNS.
Recent Recommendation
Tbr1 regulates regional and laminar identity of postmitotic neurons in developing neocortex.
Recent Recommendation
Two male adults with pathogenic AUTS2 variants, including a two-base pair deletion, further delineate the AUTS2 syndrome.


Variant ID
Variant Type
Allele Change
Residue Change
Inheritance Pattern
Inheritance Association
Family Type
Author, Year
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Not maternal 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Not paternal 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Not maternal 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Not maternal 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Extended multiplex 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 Both parents 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
 De novo 
  et al.  
  et al.  


Variant ID
Allele Change
Residue Change
Population Origin
Population Stage
Author, Year
 7387 ASD cases and 8567 controls from Autism Center of Excellence Network (ACE), Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE), Autism Genome Project (AGP), Finnish Case-Control ASD Collection, NIMH Repository and Montreal/Boston (MonBos) Collection, Population-Based Autism Genetics and Environment Study (PAGES), Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), and Weiss Laboratory Autism Collection 
 105,975 cases with self-reported irritability and 273,531 controls (all of European ancestry) from the UK Biobank 
CNV Locus
CNV Type
# of studies
Animal Model

Model Summary

The conditional knock out ( both homozygous and heterozygous) mice, with Auts2 knocked out only in the brain, show reduced growth and size compared to wild type littermate controls and also display other anomalies during early development like, reduced instances of ultrasonic vocalizations and poor righting reflex.


Author, Year
An AUTS2-Polycomb complex activates gene expression in the CNS.
Cytoskeletal regulation by AUTS2 in neuronal migration and neuritogenesis.
AUTS2 Regulation of Synapses for Proper Synaptic Inputs and Social Communication
AUTS2 Governs Cerebellar Development, Purkinje Cell Maturation, Motor Function and Social Communication


Model Type: Genetic
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Conditional deletion of exon 7 of the Auts2 using Nestin-Cre, in neuronal, glial and other cell types in the central and peripheral nervous system
Allele Type: Conditional loss-of-function
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57Bl/6
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic
Model Genotype: Heterozygous
Mutation: Conditional deletion of exon 7 of the Auts2 using Nestin-Cre, in neuronal, glial and other cell types in the central and peripheral nervous system, bred to homozygosity
Allele Type: Conditional loss-of-function
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57Bl/6
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: A loxp site was inserted upstream of exon 8 and a loxp site and a frt-flanked neomycin cassette were inserted downstream of exon 8 in opposite orientation. cre-mediated recombination removed exon 8 and the selection cassette in germline. the full-length protein is completely eliminated in homozygous brain, however expression of a short isoform (variant 2 with transcriptional start site in exon 9) is increased. (auts2^del8/del8)
Allele Type: Knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Heterozygous
Mutation: A loxp site was inserted upstream of exon 8 and a loxp site and a frt-flanked neomycin cassette were inserted downstream of exon 8 in opposite orientation. immunohistochemistry indicates that both the full-length and shorter splicing variant (variant 1 with transcriptional start site in exon 7) proteins are almost completely eliminated in the brain of homozygotes. (auts2^neo/+)
Allele Type: Knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Mouse model of acute ko of austs2 at e14.5 was generated by electroporating cortical brain sections of auts2flox/flox mice with gfp and/or cre recombinase
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Heterozygous
Mutation: Deletion of exon 8 of auts2
Allele Type: Knockout
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Wildtype
Mutation: Shrna constructs targeting fl-auts2 mrna and gfp expression vectors were cointroduced into mouse embryonic brains by in utero electroporation at e15.5, and dissociated cortical neurons were prepared at e16.5 and cultured for div2 to div6. co-electroporation and expression of the shrna-resistant auts2 (fl-auts2r) was used as control.
Allele Type: Wildtype
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Wildtype
Mutation: Shrna constructs targeting fl-auts2 mrna and gfp expression vectors were cointroduced into mouse embryonic cerebral cortices by in utero electroporation at e14.5. co-electroporation and expression of the shrna-resistant auts2 (fl-auts2r) and shrna-resistant cytoplastically localized auts2 (nes-fl-auts2r) were used as control.
Allele Type: Wildtype
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: A loxp site was inserted upstream of exon 8 and a loxp site and a frt-flanked neomycin cassette were inserted downstream of exon 8 in opposite orientation. immunohistochemistry indicates that both the full-length and shorter splicing variant (variant 1 with transcriptional start site in exon 7) proteins are almost completely eliminated in the brain of homozygotes. (auts2^neo/neo)
Allele Type: Knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Forebrain-specific auts2 conditional ko mice (emx1cre/+;auts2-ex8^flox/flox) generated by crossing conditional-ready mice with exon 8 of auts2 floxed and emx1cre mice
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Heterozygous
Mutation: Forebrain-specific auts2 conditional ko mice (emx1cre/+;auts2flox/flox) generated by crossing conditional-ready mice with exon 8 of auts2 floxed and emx1cre mice
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Camkiia-creert2 mice on a mixed c57bl6n/fvb background were crossed with auts2 floxed mice to generate camkiia-creert2;auts2^flox/+ mice which were in turn crossed to generate camkiia-creert2;auts2^flox/flox mice.tamoxifen was administered at 50 mg/kg during p21-25 days for anatomical analysis at p50. rosa26ryfp reporter allele was used to confirm cre recombination.
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Camkiia-creert2 mice on a mixed c57bl6n/fvb background were crossed with auts2 floxed mice to generate camkiia-creert2;auts2^flox/+ mice which were in turn crossed to generate camkiia-creert2;auts2^flox/flox mice in which exon 8 of auts2 can be ablated in the forebrain projection neurons by tamoxifen administration. tamoxifen was administered at p30-34 for behavioral analyses by intraperitoneal injection twice daily for 5 consecutive days and the analyses were performed at 10-12 weeks.
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin:
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line:
Mutant ES Cell Line:
Model Source:


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Homozygous
Mutation: Cerebellum-selective auts2 conditional knockout (cko) mice were generated by crossing auts2 exon-8 floxed mice with engrailed1-cre mice leading to complete loss of full length and c-terminal shortform variant1 of auts2 and concomittant increase in c-terminal short isoform variant 2, in the rhombomere-1-derived brain area including the cerebellum from mid-embryonic stages (e9.5)
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line: NA
Mutant ES Cell Line: NA
Model Source: Hori et al., 2014; Kimmel et al., 2000; The Jackson Laboratory


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Heterozygous
Mutation: Cerebellum-selective auts2 conditional knockout (cko) mice were generated by crossing auts2 exon-8 floxed mice with engrailed1-cre mice leading to complete loss of full length and c-terminal shortform variant1 of auts2 and concomittant increase in c-terminal short isoform variant 2, in the rhombomere-1-derived brain area including the cerebellum from mid-embryonic stages (e9.5)
Allele Type: Conditional knockout
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line: NA
Mutant ES Cell Line: NA
Model Source: Hori et al., 2014; Kimmel et al., 2000; The Jackson Laboratory


Model Type: Genetic LOF
Model Genotype: Wildtype
Mutation: Pregnant c57bl/6 mice at e11.5 or e12.5 and plasmids were injected into the fourth ventricle with a vector expressing egfp and auts2-targeted microrna (mirna) driven by the pc-specific l7 promoter into pcs by in utero electroporation.
Allele Type: Wildtype
Strain of Origin: C57BL/6N
Genetic Background: C57BL/6N
ES Cell Line: NA
Mutant ES Cell Line: NA
Model Source: Yamashiro et al, 2020


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Righting response1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show impaired righting reflex as they took longer to place all four paws on the ground after being initially placed on their backs
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Righting reflex test
Negative geotaxis1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show impaired negative geotaxis
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Negative geotaxis test
Ultrasonic vocalization1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show reduced emissions of ultrasonic vocalizations following maternal separation compared to wild type littermates
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
Description: Auts2 ko mice show significantly reduced body weight compared to wildtype littermates which was not entirely correlated with amount of milk ingestion at p1
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Body weight measurement
Gene expression1
Description: Auts2 ko mice have reduced expression of mrna in genes known to be co targeted by auts2 and ring2, e.g., natl8
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle, Emotion, Immune response, Learning & memory, Maternal behavior, Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture, Neurophysiology, Physiological parameters, Repetitive behavior, Seizure, Sensory, Social behavior


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Righting response1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show impaired righting reflex as they took longer to place all four paws on the ground after being initially placed on their backs
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Righting reflex test
Negative geotaxis1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show impaired negative geotaxis
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Negative geotaxis test
Ultrasonic vocalization1
Description: Auts2 ko mice show reduced emissions of ultrasonic vocalizations following maternal separation compared to wild type littermates
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
Description: Auts2 ko mice show significantly reduced body weight compared to wildtype littermates, hets show intermediate phenotype between wild type and homozygous knockouts which was not entirely correlated with amount of milk ingestion at p1 as het mice have similar milk bands at that age to wild types
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Body weight measurement
Gene expression1
Description: Auts2 ko mice have reduced expression of mrna in genes known to be co targeted by auts2 and ring2, e.g., natl8
Exp Paradigm: NA
 Quantitative pcr (qrt-pcr)
 Not Reported: Circadian sleep/wake cycle, Emotion, Immune response, Learning & memory, Maternal behavior, Neuroanatomy / ultrastructure / cytoarchitecture, Neurophysiology, Physiological parameters, Repetitive behavior, Seizure, Sensory, Social behavior


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity1
Description: Decreased branch number in gfp-positive neurons
Dendritic architecture: dendritic length1
Description: Decreased length dendrites in gfp-positive neurons
Neuronal morphology: axonal structure1
Description: Decreased lengtha and branching of axons
Anatomical projections and connectivity1
Description: Severe impairment of axonal alongation in contralateral projecting axons of layer ii/iii cortical neurons of embryos electroporated with gfp at e14.5
Neuronal migration1
Description: Decreased migration of e14.5 labelled brdu-positive gfp-positive neurons to layers iiâ??iv within 4 days of labeling
Mortality/lethality: neonatal1
Description: Complete neonatal lethality
 Survival analysis
Targeted expression1
Description: Minimal expression of full length auts2 but increased expression of short isoform
 Western blot
Cell proliferation: neural precursors1
 No change
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Neuronal migration1
Description: E14.5 labelled brdu-positive cells abnormally remained in deep cortical layers
Targeted expression1
Description: Minimal expression of short isoform of auts2 and reduced expression of full length auts2
 Western blot
Brain cytoarchitecture1
 No change
Brain morphology1
 No change
 Gross necroscopy
Cortical thickness1
 No change
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Neuronal migration1
Description: Decreased cortical neuronal migration
Anatomical projections and connectivity1
Description: Severe impairment of axonal alongation in contralateral projecting axons of layer ii/iii cortical neurons of embryos electroporated with gfp at e14.5
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
General locomotor activity: Ambulatory activity1
Description: Decreased total distance travelled
 Open field test
 8-19 weeks
General locomotor activity1
Description: Decreased exploratory behavior during the first 15 min of the test
 Open field test
 8-19 weeks
Anatomical projections and connectivity2
Description: Severe impairment of axonal alongation in contralateral projecting axons of layer ii/iii cortical neurons of embryos electroporated with gfp at e14.5
Dendritic architecture: spine density1
Description: Increased spine density on the dendrites of both cortical and hippocampal ca1 pyramidal neurons
 Golgi-Cox staining
 1 month, 3 months
Neuronal morphology: axonal structure2
Description: Decreased lengtha and branching of axons
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity2
Description: Decreased branch number in gfp-positive neurons
Neuronal migration2
Description: Decreased migration of e14.5 labelled brdu-positive gfp-positive neurons to layers iiâ??iv within 4 days of labeling
Dendritic architecture: dendritic length2
Description: Decreased length dendrites in gfp-positive neurons
Dendritic architecture: spine morphology1
Description: Increase in both mature â??â??mushroomâ??â?? spines and immature â??â??thinâ??â?? spines, indicating auts2 does not affect spine maturation
Pain or nociception1
Description: Higher response to lower nociceptive stimuli
 Foot shock test
 8-19 weeks
Startle response: acoustic stimulus1
Description: Increased acoustic startle responses at 120db but not at 65db
 Acoustic startle reflex test
 8-19 weeks
Sensorimotor gating1
Description: Decrease in the percentage of prepulse inhibition
 Prepulse inhibition
 8-19 weeks
Social approach1
Description: Decreased preference for an unfamiliar social subject over a familiar social subject
 Three-chamber social approach test
 8-19 weeks
Social approach1
Description: Decreased preference for a social subject over a nonsocial subject
 Three-chamber social approach test
 8-19 weeks
Social interaction1
Description: Decreased active social interaction
 Reciprocal social interaction test
 8-19 weeks
Ultrasonic vocalization: Interaction induced: opposite sex stimulus1
Description: Decrease in the number and duration of calls
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
Ultrasonic vocalization1
Description: Decrease in numbers of the complicated syllable type, including â??â??harmonics,â??â?? â??â??complex,â??â?? or â??â??one jump + harmonics,â??â?? and increase in the simple syllable types with shorter duration such as â??â??downwardâ??â?? or â??â??shortâ??â??
 Spectrographic analysis of vocalization recordings
Description: Decreased body weight
 Body weight measurement
 3 months
Description: Increase in time spent in the open arms
 Elevated plus maze test
 8-19 weeks
Object recognition memory1
Description: Decrease in time spent investigating novel object
 Novel object recognition test
 8-19 weeks
Targeted expression2
Description: Decreased expression of full-length and short auts2 isoforms
 Western blot
General characteristics1
 No change
 General observations
 No change
 Open field test
 8-19 weeks
 No change
 Novel cage test
 8-19 weeks
Cued or contextual fear conditioning: Memory of context1
 No change
 Fear conditioning test
 8-19 weeks
Cued or contextual fear conditioning: Memory of cue1
 No change
 Fear conditioning test
 8-19 weeks
General locomotor activity1
 No change
 General observations
 8-19 weeks
Cell proliferation: neural precursors2
 No change
 No change
 Buried food test
 8-19 weeks
 No change
 Head twitch response
 8-19 weeks
Visual placing reflex1
 No change
 Visual placing test
 8-19 weeks
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Anatomical projections and connectivity1
Description: Increased filopodia-like protrusions at the cell periphery and neurites
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity1
Description: Decreased number of dendritic branches
Dendritic architecture: dendritic length1
Description: Decreased dendritic length
Targeted expression1
Description: Decreased expression of full length auts2 but not the short isoform
 Western blot
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Cortical lamination1
Description: Distuption in cortical lamination; mislocalization of cux1 postive cortical neurons in layers v-vi
Neuronal morphology1
Description: Abnormal twisting of leading process and irregular branching in migrating cortical neurons
Neuronal migration1
Description: Decrease migration of neurons into cortical layers
Protein expression: In situ protein expression1
Description: Lack of activated jnk expression in migrating cortical neurons
Neuronal apoptosis1
 No change
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Neuronal migration1
Description: E14.5 labelled brdu-positive cells abnormally remained in deep cortical layers
Mortality/lethality: neonatal1
Description: Complete neonatal lethality
 Survival analysis
Targeted expression2
Description: Lack of auts2 protein in cerebellum
Targeted expression1
Description: Minimal expression of full length and short isoform of auts2
 Western blot
Brain cytoarchitecture1
 No change
Brain morphology1
 No change
 Gross necroscopy
Cortical thickness1
 No change
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Synapse density: Excitatory1
Description: Increased excitatory presynaptic marker vglut1 in the mpfc but not inhibitory vgat-labeled puncta at mpfc was increased
Exp Paradigm: vglut1
Dendritic architecture: spine morphology1
Description: Increase in both mature â??â??mushroomâ??â?? spines and immature â??â??thinâ??â?? spines, indicating auts2 does not affect spine maturation
Dendritic architecture: spine density
Description: Spines density increased on the secondary dendrites of layer ii/iii pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex, on secondary dendritic segments along apical dendrites of hippocampal ca1 pyramidal neurons and dendrites of the upper-layer neurons of the auditory cortex; aberrant spine formation along primary apical dendrites immediately proximal to the cell soma of ca1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons as well as cortical layer ii/iii neuron; no change in spine densities on basal dendrites of ca1 pyramidal
Neuronal activation1
Description: Increased c-fos expression
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: excitatory1
Description: Increased mepsc frequency
 Whole-cell voltage clamp
Targeted expression1
Description: Absence of auts2 protein full-length isoform and s-suts2 var1 isoform, increased protein level of s-auts2 var.2; differential splice isoform expression; compensatory expression
 Western blot
Differential gene expression1
Description: Differential gene expression of 168 genes in the hippocampus, with 78 downregulated and 90 upregulated genes, including reln, mdga1, camk2b, cacna1c, and c1ql-family genes associated with nervous system development, cell differentiation, neuronal migration, dendritic spine morphogenesis, negative regulation of synapse assembly, regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration, membrane genes and synapse genes; mdga1, camk2b, and sema6b were upregulated; dcc, gfra1, gpc2, hap1 were downregulated
 RNA sequencing
 2 weeks
Synapse density: Inhibitory1
 No change
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: excitatory1
 No change
 Whole-cell voltage clamp
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell voltage clamp
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell voltage clamp
Presynaptic function: paired-pulse facilitation1
 No change
 Whole-cell voltage clamp
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Dendritic architecture: spine morphology1
Description: Increase in both mature â??â??mushroomâ??â?? spines and immature â??â??thinâ??â?? spines, indicating auts2 does not affect spine maturation
Dendritic architecture: spine density
Description: Spines density increased on the secondary dendrites of layer ii/iii pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex, on secondary dendritic segments along apical dendrites of hippocampal ca1 pyramidal neurons and dendrites of the upper-layer neurons of the auditory cortex; aberrant spine formation along primary apical dendrites immediately proximal to the cell soma of ca1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons as well as cortical layer ii/iii neuron; no change in spine densities on basal dendrites of ca1 pyramidal
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Dendritic architecture: spine morphology1
Description: Increase in both mature â??â??mushroomâ??â?? spines and immature â??â??thinâ??â?? spines, indicating auts2 does not affect spine maturation
 Golgi-Cox staining
 6.5 weeks
Dendritic architecture: spine density1
Description: Increase in the densities of spines on the dendrites of both cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons at p46
 Golgi-Cox staining
 6.5 weeks
Targeted expression1
Description: Genomic recombination was detected in the mpfc and hippocampus but not in the cerebellum
 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
 6.5 weeks
Targeted expression1
Description: Decreased auts2 transcript levels in the mpfc and hip but not cb
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
 6.5 weeks
Targeted expression1
Description: Increased rosa-eyfp expression in the mpfc and hippocampus using rosa26ryfp reporter allele
 In situ hybridization (ISH)
 6.5 weeks
General characteristics1
 No change
 General observations
General locomotor activity1
 No change
 General observations
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Social interaction1
Description: Decreased active social interaction
 Reciprocal social interaction test
 10-12 weeks
Ultrasonic vocalization: Interaction induced: opposite sex stimulus1
Description: Decrease in the number of calls but no change in the duration of calls
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
 10-12 weeks
Ultrasonic vocalization: Interaction induced: opposite sex stimulus1
Description: Decrease in the number and duration of calls
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
 No change
 Buried food test
 10-12 weeks
 No change
 Head twitch response
 10-12 weeks
Visual placing reflex1
 No change
 Visual placing test
 10-12 weeks
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Motor learning1
Description: Decreased improvement in latency to fall on subsequent days
 Accelerating rotarod test
 2-4 months
Motor coordination and balance1
Description: Decrease in time mice were able to balance on the elevated platform
 Elevated plus maze test
 2-4 months
Cerebellar morphology1
Description: Smaller and deformed cerebella; aberrant cerebellar cortical morphologies; cerebellar lobules including lobe x, crus i, and copula pyramidis were reduced in size or absent; no change in lamination
Neuronal migration1
Description: The developmental translocation of climbing fibers is delayed
Exp Paradigm: vGlut2
Dendritic architecture: dendritic length1
Description: Decreased dendritic length
Exp Paradigm: Clb
Synapse density: Excitatory1
Description: Decrease in height at which vglut2 positive synaptic puncta are found in molecular and granular layer
Exp Paradigm: vGlut2
 P15, P30
Dendritic architecture: spine density1
Description: Increased dendritic spine density at the distal end of the purkinje dendrites
 Golgi-Cox staining
 P16, P30
Cerebellar morphology: molecular layer thickness1
Description: Decreased total area of molecular cell layer
Neuronal number: Purkinje cells1
Description: Reduction in purkinje cell number; no change in purkinje cell density
Dendritic architecture: dendritic tree complexity1
Description: Most purkinje cells appear immature stellate cell-like in shape with more than 2 perisomatic dendrites at p7 and p10; impaired pruning of pc dendrites
Exp Paradigm: Clb
Cerebellar morphology: granule cell layer thickness1
Description: Decreased total area of granule cell layer
Neuronal number: dopaminergic1
Description: The number of dopaminergic midbrain neurons in the substantia nigra were slightly but significantly reduced
Dendritic architecture: dendritic thickness1
Description: Decreased dendritic diameter
Exp Paradigm: Clb
Anatomical projections and connectivity: Purkinje cell-climbing fiber connections1
Description: Impaired climbing fiber synapse (vglut2) development and excessive parallel fiber synapse (glud2) numbers
Exp Paradigm: vGlut2; GluD2
 P15, P30
Neuron remodeling: Dendritic pruning1
Description: Impaired pruning of purkinje cell dendrites
Exp Paradigm: Clb
Ultrasonic vocalization: Interaction induced: opposite sex stimulus1
Description: Decrease in the number and duration of calls
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
 8-15 weeks
Description: Decrease in body weight
 Body weight measurement
Targeted expression1
Description: Almost complete excision of exon 8 within the auts2 mrna in the cerebella
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
Regulation of gene expression1
Description: Downregulation of cacna1a, which regulates the excitatory synapse formation; no changes in the expression levels of rora
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
Protein expression: In situ protein expression1
Description: Intensity of cav2.1 (a product of cacna1a gene) immunostaining is markedly reduced
Targeted expression1
Description: Lack of both full length-auts2 and s-auts2-var1 and increase in s-auts2-var2 that originates from exon 9
 Western blot
 No change
 General observations
Signaling: hedgehog pathway1
 No change
 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)
Signaling: hedgehog pathway1
 No change
Motor coordination and balance1
 No change
 Accelerating rotarod test
 2-4 months
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Ultrasonic vocalization: Interaction induced: opposite sex stimulus1
Description: Decrease in the number and duration of calls
 Monitoring ultrasonic vocalizations
 8-15 weeks
 Not Reported:


Experimental Paradigm
Age at Testing
Action potential property: firing pattern1
Description: About 50% pcs receive multiple climbing fiber inputs while most pcs in wt mature cerebellum show a single-step response to an evoked cf input, indicating that the majority of pcs receive a single cf input; no change in disparity ratio and index
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: excitatory1
Description: Increased amplitude of mepscs in purkinje cells
 Whole-cell patch clamp
EPSP-spike relationship1
Description: Slope of input-output curve increased showing parallel fiber-epscs were increased
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Presynaptic function: paired-pulse facilitation1
Description: Increased paired-pulse facilitation in parallel fibers
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Decay kinetics of evoked post synaptic currents1
Description: Longer rise time and shorter decay time
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: excitatory1
Description: Increased frequency of mepscs in purkinje cells; no change in amplitude of total climbing fiber epscs
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Targeted expression1
Description: Decreased expression of both fl-auts2 and c-terminal short isoforms
 Western blot
Miniature post synaptic current amplitude: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Miniature post synaptic current frequency: inhibitory1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
Presynaptic function: paired-pulse depression (PPD)1
 No change
 Whole-cell patch clamp
 Not Reported:

Interactor Symbol Interactor Name Interactor Organism Entrez ID Uniprot ID Interaction Type Evidence Reference
Acad9 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family, member 9 28976 Q9H845 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Acvrl1 Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 94 P37023 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Adnp activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox 23394 Q9H2P0 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Aldh18a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1 5832 P54886 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ap3b1 adaptor-related protein complex 3, beta 1 subunit 8546 E5RJ68 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ass1 Argininosuccinate synthase 445 P00966 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Atpaf2 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2 NM_145691 Q8N5M1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
B3galtl beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase-like 145173 Q6Y288 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Bckdhb branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide 594 P21953 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Blm Bloom syndrome, RecQ helicase-like 641 P54132 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Casr calcium-sensing receptor 846 P41180 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ccbe1 Collagen and calcium-binding EGF domain-containing protein 1 147372 Q6UXH8 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
CHD8 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8 57680 Q9HCK8 CHIP-seq
Cotney J , et al. 2015
Chmp2b charged multivesicular body protein 2B 25978 B2RE76 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Cln8 ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) 2055 Q9UBY8 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
CSNK2A2 casein kinase 2, alpha prime polypeptide 1459 P19784 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay; qRT-PCR
Gao Z , et al. 2014
CSNK2A2 casein kinase 2, alpha prime polypeptide 1459 P19784 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Ctsd cathepsin D 1509 P07339 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
D2hgdh D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase 728294 Q8N465 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
DCAF7 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 7 10238 P61962 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Dguok deoxyguanosine kinase 1716 E5KSL5 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dhcr24 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase 1718 Q15392 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dhcr7 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase 1717 Q9UBM7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dlat dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase 1737 P10515 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dld dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase 1738 P09622 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dolk dolichol kinase 22845 Q9UPQ8 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dpm1 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit 8813 O60762 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Dync2h1 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, heavy chain 1 79659 Q8NCM8 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Efnb1 ephrin-B1 1947 P98172 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ehmt1 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 79813 Q9H9B1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Eif2ak3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 3 9451 B3KY45 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Eif2b3 Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit gamma 8891 Q9NR50 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Eif2b5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 5 epsilon, 82kDa 8893 Q13144 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ercc2 excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 2068 P18074 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ercc6 excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 6 2074 Q03468 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Esco2 establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 (S. cerevisiae) 157570 Q56NI9 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Etfb Electron transfer flavoprotein subunit beta 2109 P38117 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Etfdh electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase 2110 Q16134 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Fam20c family with sequence similarity 20, member C 56975 Q8IXL6 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Fgfr3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 2261 P22607 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Fh1 FH1/FH2 domain-containing protein 1 29109 Q9Y613 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Fktn fukutin 2218 O75072 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Frem2 FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 2 341640 Q5SZK8 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ftl1 Ferritin light chain 2512 P02792 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Gli2 GLI family zinc finger 2 2736 P10070 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Gpr56 G protein-coupled receptor 56 9289 B3KQN7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Hibch 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase NM_014362 Q6NVY1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Hspd1 heat shock 60kDa protein 1 (chaperonin) 3329 P10809 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Hyls1 Hydrolethalus syndrome protein 1 219844 Q96M11 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Igf1r insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3480 P08069 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Inpp5e inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, 72 kDa 56623 Q9NRR6 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Kdm5c lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5C NM_001146702 P41229 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Kras v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 3845 P01116 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Large Glycosyltransferase-like protein LARGE1 9215 O95461 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Map2k2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 5605 P36507 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mapk10 mitogen-activated protein kinase 10 5602 P53779 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mapt microtubule-associated protein tau 4137 P10636 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mcoln1 mucolipin 1 57192 Q9GZU1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mcph1 microcephalin 1 79648 Q8NEM0 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mks1 Meckel syndrome type 1 protein 54903 Q9NXB0 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mmadhc methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblD type, with homocystinuria 27249 Q9H3L0 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mocs2 molybdenum cofactor synthesis 2 4338 O96007 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mrps16 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S16 51021 Q9Y3D3 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Mycn v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian) 4613 P04198 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ndufaf3 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 3 25915 Q9BU61 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ndufaf4 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 4 29078 Q9P032 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ndufs6 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 6, 13kDa (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase) 4726 O75380 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ndufv1 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein 1, 51kDa 4723 P49821 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Nsd1 nuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 1 64324 Q96L73 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Nsdhl NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like 50814 Q15738 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
P300 Histone acetyltransferase p300 2033 Q09472 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay; qRT-PCR
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pafah1b1 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b, regulatory subunit 1 (45kDa) 5048 P43034 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pank2 pantothenate kinase 2 80025 Q9BZ23 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pccb propionyl CoA carboxylase, beta polypeptide 5096 P05166 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
PCGF3 polycomb group ring finger 3 10336 Q3KNV8 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay
Gao Z , et al. 2012
PCGF5 polycomb group ring finger 5 84333 Q86SE9 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay; qRT-PCR
Gao Z , et al. 2014
PCGF5 polycomb group ring finger 5 84333 Q86SE9 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
PCGF6 polycomb group ring finger 6 84108 Q9BYE7 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Pcnt pericentrin 5116 O95613 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pex1 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 1 5189 O43933 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pex10 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 10 NM_153818 A0A024R068 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pex13 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 13 5194 Q92968 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pex14 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14 5195 O75381 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pex19 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 19 5824 P40855 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pla2g6 85/88 kDa calcium-independent phospholipase A2 8398 O60733 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pomt1 protein-O-mannosyltransferase 1 10585 Q9Y6A1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ppp2r2b protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta 5521 Q00005 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Prps1l3 Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase 3 221823 P21108 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Psap prosaposin 5660 P07602 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Psat1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 29968 Q9Y617 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog 5728 F6KD01 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Pts 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydrobiopterin synthase 5805 Q03393 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Rab23 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family 51715 Q9ULC3 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Rab3gap2 RAB3 GTPase activating protein subunit 2 (non-catalytic) 25782 Q9H2M9 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Recql4 ATP-dependent DNA helicase Q4 9401 O94761 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
RNF2 ring finger protein 2 6045 Q99496 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay; qRT-PCR
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Rpia ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A 22934 P49247 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
RYBP RING1 and YY1 binding protein 23429 Q8N488 TAP; MS; ChIP-Seq; IP/WB; Luciferase reporter assay; qRT-PCR
Gao Z , et al. 2014
RYBP RING1 and YY1 binding protein 23429 Q8N488 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Sall1 sal-like 1 (Drosophila) 6299 Q9NSC2 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Sdha succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A, flavoprotein (Fp) 6389 P31040 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Sdhaf1 succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 1 644096 A6NFY7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Shh Sonic hedgehog protein 6469 Q15465 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Six3 SIX homeobox 3 NM_005413 O95343 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Slc17a5 solute carrier family 17 (anion/sugar transporter), member 5 26503 Q9NRA2 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Slc35c1 solute carrier family 35 (GDP-fucose transporter), member C1 55343 Q96A29 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Slc9a6 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 6 10479 Q92581 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Smad4 SMAD family member 4 4089 Q13485 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Snap29 synaptosomal-associated protein, 29kDa 9342 O95721 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Spg11 spastic paraplegia 11 (autosomal recessive) 80208 Q96JI7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Spg7 spastic paraplegia 7 (pure and complicated autosomal recessive) 6687 Q9UQ90 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Spr sepiapterin reductase (7,8-dihydrobiopterin:NADP+ oxidoreductase) 6697 P35270 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Stxbp1 Syntaxin-binding protein 1 6812 P61764 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Sucla2 succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit 8803 E5KS60 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tbce Tubulin-specific chaperone E 6905 Q15813 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tcf4 transcription factor 4 6925 B3KVA4 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Thrb thyroid hormone receptor, beta 7068 F1D8N7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tinf2 TERF1-interacting nuclear factor 2 26277 Q9BSI4 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tsc2 tuberous sclerosis 2 7249 P49815 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tsen54 tRNA splicing endonuclease 54 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 283989 Q7Z6J9 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tuba1b tubulin, alpha 1b 10376 P68363 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tubb2a tubulin, beta 2A class IIa 7280 Q13885 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tubb2b tubulin, beta 2B class IIb 347733 Q9BVA1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tubb3 tubulin, beta 3 class III 10381 A8K854 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Tymp Thymidine phosphorylase 1890 P19971 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Ube3a ubiquitin protein ligase E3A 7337 Q05086 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Upb1 Beta-ureidopropionase 51733 Q9UBR1 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Vangl1 VANGL planar cell polarity protein 1 81839 Q8TAA9 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Vps13a vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 23230 Q96RL7 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Wfs1 Wolfram syndrome 1 (wolframin) 7466 O76024 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
YAF2 YY1 associated factor 2 10138 Q8IY57 IP; LC-MS/MS
Huttlin EL , et al. 2015
Zbtb16 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16 7704 Q05516 ChIP-Seq
Gao Z , et al. 2014
Astn2 astrotactin 2 56079 Q80Z10 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Atp2b2 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 2 11941 Q9R0K7 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Auts2 autism susceptibility candidate 2 319974 Q6PED7 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Cntn4 contactin 4 269784 Q69Z26 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Cntnap2 forkhead box P2 114142 P58463 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
FMR1 fragile X mental retardation 1 14265 P35922 HITS-CLIP
Darnell JC , et al. 2011
Foxp2 forkhead box P2 114142 P58463 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Nrxn1 neurexin 1 18189 Q9CS84 ChIP-Seq; Zebrafish reporter transgenic studies
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Rbfox1 RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 1 268859 Q9JJ43 HITS-CLIP; ChIP-Seq
Weyn-Vanhentenryck SM , et al. 2014
Reln reelin 19699 Q60841 ChIP-Seq
Oksenberg N , et al. 2014
Tbr1 T-box brain gene 1 21375 Q64336 Gene microarray
Bedogni F , et al. 2010

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