Phenotype Definition Reference - Immune response
Pheno Term
Pheno Definition Experimental Paradigm
Adaptive immune response: B cells
Production or function of mature B cells, the primary lymphocyte responsibles for humoral immunity Stimulation of immune cells; Flow cytometric analysis; ELISA; Western blot; Administration of poly(I:C); Cytofluorometric analysis
Adaptive immune response: B cells antibody production
Production of immunoglobulins after B cell activation during immune respose Antibody levels; Western blot; ELISA; ELISPOT
Adaptive immune response: B cells antibody production: IgG
Production of immunoglobulin class G after B cell activation during immune response ELISA
Adaptive immune response: leukocyte types
Process of generating white blood cells (leukocytes) from the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells of the bone marrow, including myelopoiesis and lymphopoiesis ELISA; Flow cytometric analysis; Histology
Adaptive immune response: T cells
Production or function of mature T cells, the lymphocytes responsible for cell-mediated immunity and immune system regulation Flow cytometric analysis; Immunohistochemistry; Cell counting; Stimulation of immune cells; Local inflammatory reaction; ELISA; Immune cell culture; Gene expression microarray
Proliferation or spread of astrocytes into the area of a degenerative lesion or damaged tissue Immunohistochemistry; Macroscopic analysis; Densitometric analysis; Western blot
Autoimmune reaction
Condition in which the immune system attacks normal organs and tissue and cannot differentiate self from non-self Histology; ELISA; Collagen II-induced arthritis (CIA); Macroscopic analysis
CNS inflammation
Local accumulation of fluid, plasma proteins, and leukocytes in the brain or spinal cord. Edema, glial activation, major histocompatibility complex expression, systemic response with changes to protein synthesis, complement actication, production of proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1), free radicals and leukocyte invasion characterize CNS inflammation. These have been shown to have both long-term beneficial effects as well as been linked to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's. Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR); Histology; Immunohistochemistry
Cytokine levels
Levels in the blood of any of the secreted proteins made by inflammatory leukocytes and some non-leukocytic cells that affect the behavior of other cells, these include chemokines, interleukins, lymphokines and monokines and they act as major regulators of the innate and acquired immune response ELISA; Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR); Flow cytometric analysis; Cytokine level detection; Stimulation of immune cells; Bead-based multiplex assay
Development of immune cells and primary lymphoid organs
Structure and development of progenitor blood cells committed to a lymphoid lineage, or the organs associated with the development and formation of these cells: the red bone marrow and the thymus gland Flow cytometric analysis
Signaling: immune cell
Dynamic interaction of cells, antigens and secreted factors that determines the nature of immune response following a sequence of intracellular signalling events triggered by association of cell surface molecules during cell-cell contact or the detection of soluble molecules of host or pathogen origin. Involves antigen recognition and production or response to cytokines Spectroscopy; Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR); Western blot
Pathological suppression of the immune system, often indicated by accumulation of splenic cell populations, like GR-1-positive, CD11b-positive cells, believed to be related to functional immunosuppression Flow cytometric analysis
Inflammatory response
Reaction of the microcirculation characterized by movement of fluid and leukocytes from the blood into extravascular tissues ELISA; Local inflammatory reaction; General observations; Western blot; Histology
Innate immune response
Early phase of the response to infection, that is not dependent on exposure to specific pathogens and does not discriminate between pathogens Stimulation of immune cells; Histology; Collagen II-induced arthritis (CIA); Flow cytometric analysis; Phagocytosis assay; Western blot; Immunohistochemistry; Confocal microscopy
Innate immune response: neutrophil migration
Movement of neutrophils guided by a specific chemical concentration gradient In vivo neutrophil migration; In vitro neutrophile chemotaxis
Wound healing
Process of repair of trauma to any tissues of the body, especially that caused by physical means Wound healing assay; Induced liver injury by carbon tetrachloride
Splenocyte proliferation
Expansion rate of a splenocyte cell population by cell division Cell counting
Cytokine levels: pro-inflammatory
Serum or tissue levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin, chemokines, lymphokines and monokines) released primarily by activated macrophages and T-helper cells, upregulate inflammatory reactions, examples include IL-6, IL-17a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-1 beta etc Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR); Western blot; ELISA; Immunoassay
Cytokine levels: anti-inflammatory
Serum or tissue levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines that mainly control or regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines, examples include IL-10, IL-4, IL-11, IL-13, some cytokines are known to be anti or pro-inflammatory depending on context Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR); ELISA
Changes in morphology and increase in number of microglia, specialized phagocytic macrophages in the central nervous system Immunohistochemistry; Histology
Cytokine levels: chemokine
Serum of tissue levels of chemokines, a class of cytokines that promote chemotaxis, eg. MCP-1 Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR)